Dear Santa,


Dear Santa, my wish for Christmas day Is for a doll, both loving and gay, Tall and slim with dark brown hair, With oyes of blue like the sky comparo, With gentle smile and trusting heart One I could love from the start And who would love me in return With a lovo that would fiercely burn To oast away all doubts and fears, To laugh with me and share my tears,

A living doll that would be mino

To love and cherish for all time,

A real live doll who my heart could steal,

Who could make it sing like the bolls that peal.

So, Santa, won't you hear my plea

And put such a doll under my Christmas tree

For me to find on Christmas morn.

Then I won't be so lost and forlorn.

That is my wish I am sending you,

Though it may sound odd and unusual too, As you remember when all is said and done I am past the age of twenty-one.



Holiday Greetings